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A tall girl who ♥ her family ♥ shopping ♥ sing K ♥ sleeping

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fire happened!

Fire happened in the condo that i lived in. I was going to sleep at around 1.30am where the house just left me, Yeemun, Charmaine and her bf. I was struggle to sleep and lying on my bed there. Keep thinking about how to adjust time for study during Chinese New Year. Around 2am, it was so noisy at the outside. I didn't care about it at first since some international students may swimming or chatting at downstairs' swimming pool. We can hear their sounds clearly indeed. 

Something wrong as i smelled something unpleasant and heard sound of whistle. I was curious. Woke up to see what is going on from the left window.I lived in 6th floor unit 8. I saw a lot of people focus on our B1 building.  It was not clearly for me as our room located at the corner. I went to the right hand side window and saw lots of black smokes flying comes up. Somebody yelling "FIRE....FIRE..."
Woke up Yeemun by shaking her and told her one of the unit of our block was on fire. She was awakened and scared since she was slept at that time. Also, vigorously knocked charmaine's door. Doubt what should bring along, laptop, purse and phone? I chose to carry the phone only because we need to go down hurry up. Yet, we don't know which unit was on fire in the beginning. Someone pressed the bell and ask us to leave. We left the house immediately and walked the staircase to downstairs. I can saw a lot of smokes surrounded when we were running to downstairs. People were rushing everywhere.
People crowded at the ground and saw the Called sister at once as i reached to the ground and ask them not to go upstairs. And i was shaking and nervous at the time. We worried it would spread to our unit since the wind blow it.
Fire fighters and police arrived. They started to extinguish the fire at 2.10 am. Living room, middle room and mater room were on fire in that unit. We can heard twice of the explosion sound. May be the laptops explode. Luckily, no gas tank explode(i think). If not, it will be more severe. Why the condo with no alarm at all?
We go  at 3am. Climb the staircase slowly from ground floor to 6th floor.Our room was smelly! Need to cleaned up before go to sleep. Feels tired and sleepy after that but dare not to sleep tight because i scared there will be another fire.XD

It was an impressive experience for me.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Left the last assignment only! Hooray=))
Gonna sit for my law's midterm test on tomorrow but i haven't start to read my notes..
My law's lecturer said that:'No one can help you, unless you help yourself '. 
Also, i saw one friend wrote ''今天我不走,明天就得跑了''. Meaningful.

My holiday mood on already, keep giving myself a lot of reasons to postpone the revision.How lazy i am!>.<
Frankly, i hate myself with the lazy attitude.

Chinese New Year is around the corner, and i can going back sooner. All the lecture and tutorial classes will be end by next Wednesday. The worst thing is i gonna studying for the final exam during CNY.Will going to shop for clothes again because i wanna get the latest clothes..~~
Got the dermasiswa yayasan perak recently, happy till the max! It was a lot of money for me.=D

I wanna going back to my home as soon as possible!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

女人、 别!

1、 女人,别去翻男人的钱包。因为那里面除了可以放钱和女人的照片及信物,还可以放毒品和安全套,而后者绝不是你想看到的。 ­

2、 女人,别去翻看男人的手机。如果有不该让你看到的短信,聪明男人在第一时间就删掉了,绝不会留给你机会;而笨男人的手机更没必要看,因为要么没人给他发,要么你看了自己生气。 ­

3、 女人,别问男人要钱。因为那一定比他的精子珍贵。 ­

4、 女人,别不问自己的老公要钱。即便他每个月的收入只够你交个人所得税的。因为家庭意识需要培养,每个人都有这权利和义务。不在多少,而在于用心。 ­

5、 女人,别去炫耀你家的男人什么家务都干。因为那只能证明你蠢。女人的活都让男人干完了,要女人干嘛?比起那些在家什么活都不会干照样能体体面面出门的男人,人家被老婆伺候周到,而你的男人如何能体现有你的优越感呢? ­

6、 女人,别粘男人。除非那是你想赶走他的策略。 ­

7、 女人,别小看盘问男人“你去哪?跟谁?什么时候回来?”。因为你总不盘问他,他就该反过来盘问你了。 ­

8、 女人,别相信男人说没空儿接你电话,没空儿回你短信。因为男人在乎时,再忙都有时间,即便他在开会,只要想,他也能跟你发一百条短信,或者从会议室里跑出来接听你的电话;不在乎时,再闲都没空儿。 ­

9、 女人,别介意你的男人总是很忙。最好这世上的事儿都被男人忙活完了,我们才能坐享其成。 ­

10、女人,别吝啬给你自己花钱。因为美是女人的权利。如果你丑他才有安全感,你可以告诉他:“见鬼去吧你!” ­

11、女人,别去拆穿男人的谎言。除非你不想跟他继续了。其实,享受他的小聪明是件有趣的事情。 ­

12、女人,别认为自己是唯一。因为失去你,他三分钟就能找到替代你的人。好女人像韭菜一样,割一茬长一茬。 ­

13、女人,别觉得你的男人有你一个就够了。因为你该清楚你并不完美,而你缺少或者不够的东西,就是你的男人正在忍耐并找寻的。 ­

14、女人,别去删掉你手机里那个分手的电话号码。如果靠删掉电话才能让你约束自己不找他,只能证明你还在乎。就让他存在吧,但无论如何存在在你的周围你都看不见他,也想不起他,才证明你真正的放下了。 ­


16、女人,别觉得今天他送你一份贵重的礼物是件好事儿。也许,他这样是为了涂个自己心理平衡。 ­

17、女人,别看错。什么策略都不懂的男人未必不好,会的太多的男人未必就好。他不会,你会,那么你是有价值的。自己的男人还是自己调教,这种事情就犯不着坐享其成了。 ­

18、女人,别小看破绽。没有破绽那是神仙,谁敢跟神仙在一起? ­

19、女人,别委屈对你好的男人。因为受委屈是需要补偿的,当你没有奖品的时候,用什么埋单?拿什么收场? ­

20、女人,别动别人口袋的幸福。记住,天下没有白吃的午餐,安全第一。 ­

21、女人,你可以不认识钟楼在什么地方,但别忘记回家的路。因为不安定因素够多了,你就别添乱了。 ­

22、女人,别不信算命,但只能信一半,就是全部都是好的那一半。 ­

23、 女人,别小看时间观念。因为做事顶天立地的男人总会有些相同的特点,比如说,不迟到。如果做不到,只能证明他太习惯于空头承诺却缺乏统筹及计划“要事优 先”的能力。这个,很简单,两下半就能探出深浅。而对于女人来说,灰姑娘之所以漂亮是因为她有时间观念,按时回家,反之会丑态百出。 ­

24、女人,别过分依赖。因为不能计划好自己的人,只能成为别人计划中的一部分。 ­

25、女人,别抽烟也别喝酒。因为幸福的女人不需要那些! ­

26、女人,别太相信自己的眼睛和耳朵,而要相信自己心的声音。第六感是老天赐予女人最好的礼物,而眼睛和耳朵往往会欺骗自己。 ­

27、女人,别只看过程只顾眼前。好男人和好女人一样是需要调教的,凡事看结果,有的男人会把女人调教成泼妇,有的男人则能把女人调教的知书达礼。你的男人好不好,照照镜子看看自己如何就知道了。 ­

28、女人,别忘记信任。有的人从你什么都不是的时候就开始伴着你,并且一直支持并帮助你变得越来越优秀,这种人是可以信任的。 ­

29、女人,别轻视坚持。给你挤牙膏给你倒杯水不是难事,难的是这种小事儿能坚持做,因为他今天出差了,所以没办法做,也许他生病了,所以做不了了。 ­

30、女人,别忘记微笑。因为微笑的女人可以战胜一切。 ­



It came back!

It's back.... lips problem...
what should i do"">.<""

Isn't lack of vitamin C? or weather problems?
Last time, the chinese medicine practitioners said i was lacking of vitamin C, always going to sleep at midnight and eating the spicy food.
These causes make me have the lips problem.
It lasted for half year last time.=.=
And i was suffer there.

I really don't want it becomes redness again.
Very ugly loll!
Keep eating oranges on this few days..
Hopes it will be heal up soon..

Saturday, January 1, 2011

♥End of 2010♥ and ♥New Year Eve♥

Yesterday, i had a great shopping day and memorable countdown night with my sister-yann yee, charmaine, yeemun, dailou, and ah chuan.=))

Six of us depart from Cyberia at 1:30pm and headed to Berjaya Times Square. Parking the car in times square and walking through Sungei Wang to Lot 10-having our lunch there.

Then, going to Lowyat due to charmaine wants to buy ink for her printer. People crowded everywhere. Sweating!

The moment i was most waiting for- shooping time.♥
Going back to times square to shop.We separated into 3 pairs.It will be more easier and efficiency to us because no need to wait for others.
I used the time to grab clothes as many as i can. Which 1 fulfilled my requirements and i like it on my first sight, for sure i will buy it. Had bought some flower earrings, 5 shirts and a pant.

After dinner, going to Sungei Wang to countdown the coming of 2011.
Searching for weapons- the sprays along the way. In the beginning, we were walking from place to places because afraid be spray by strangers.
Bought 4 pack of spray if i am not mistaken. Each pack costs us rm10. And we start our spray journey. haha..

Strangers sprayed us and of course, we also spray them.
We are being attacked. Girls suffer a lot, so our two boys help us to attack. 
The spray smells like detergent, i be attacked on the face for several times. Oily detergent's smelling surrounded on my face. I was wondering that it could make me allergic or grow pimples.

 A bit confusion there because got people fainted and fight. Thanks to dailou and ah chuan for protecting us along the spray journey. Fireworks was quite nice, it lasts for few minutes. Things recall on my mind when i looked up the sky to see the fireworks, at the time, i am missing my family.

Reach Cyberia at 3am something...My leg and toes pain like hell..>.<!! I was wearing the shoes for 12hours.

By the way, it was exhausted but enjoyed it because this is the first time i countdown with my sister and friends. =)

Happy new year 2011 to everyone!
A new year begins, hopes my family are in health, friends are happy-ing always, and i can be happy always too! No worry, be happy.~~